12 Independence Day Celebrations Around the World
Have you ever wondered if or how other countries celebrate Independence Day around the world? Read more about 12 independence day celebrations around the world.
Read MoreWhy Citizenship?
As we focus on individuals who are seeking pathways to citizenship this month, Carmen Osorio, a DOJ Accredited Representative on staff in Chicagoland, sat with us to answer some questions about citizenship. To find out more about the process of naturalization, please read more here. Thank you for learning more with us and hearing from…
Read MoreAbdulazak’s Story: The Long Journey of a Refugee from Sudan
The trip was extremely long. Sometimes, Abdulazak’s father would sleep out in the rain after finding a place to shelter the family. It seemed to Abdulazak they could have traveled anywhere in the world by the time the family reached the camp. When he saw the rows of tents, he asked his father, “Is this the United States?”
Read MoreBridging the Gap: Christian Thomas’ Journey as an Occupational Therapy Intern at World Relief Memphis
At World Relief Memphis, we are continually inspired by the incredible dedication and impact of our team members. One such individual who has made a significant mark on our organization and the broader community is Dr. Christian Thomas, our talented Occupational Therapy (OT) intern and now Health & Wellness Specialist. As a certified occupational therapist,…
Read MoreWorld Relief Applauds New Pro-Marriage Immigration Policy Change, Urges Congressional Action
Today, President Biden announced a new administrative policy designed to benefit married couples in situations where an undocumented immigrant is married to a U.S. citizen and has been present in the United States for at least a decade.
The executive action restricts entrance into the U.S. between ports of entry to asylum-seekers, once a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more has been reached. This effectively means that asylum-seekers would be currently unable to enter because daily crossings are currently higher than the listed figure in the executive order.
Zia’s Story: I Was Born In War
As a government official, Zia knew that he was being hunted. Quickly he gathered his wife and two children, and rushed them to the airport. Somehow, they made it inside. They should have been safe.
Read MoreInspiring Stories of Hope: Raising Refugee Voices
Read 3 stories of hope from refugees around the world.
Read MoreWorld Relief Statement on President Biden’s Executive Order
Yesterday, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that has drastic implications for people seeking asylum at the United States-Mexico border.
The executive action restricts entrance into the U.S. between ports of entry to asylum-seekers, once a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more has been reached. This effectively means that asylum-seekers would be currently unable to enter because daily crossings are currently higher than the listed figure in the executive order.
Read More5 MORE Ways To Learn About Refugees
Last year when I wrote my blog, “Five Ways to Learn More About Refugees”, there were 103 million displaced people in the world; 32 million were refugees.
Read MoreWorld Relief Statement on President Biden’s Executive Order
Yesterday, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that has drastic implications for people seeking asylum at the United States-Mexico border.
The executive action restricts entrance into the U.S. between ports of entry to asylum-seekers, once a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more has been reached. This effectively means that asylum-seekers would be currently unable to enter because daily crossings are currently higher than the listed figure in the executive order.
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