World Relief Applauds USAID Commitment to Increasing Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations - World Relief Skip to content

World Relief Applauds USAID Commitment to Increasing Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations

Baltimore, MD (September 13, 2023) – Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced their first ever religious engagement policy, demonstrating a more robust effort to increase their partnerships with religious communities and faith-based organizations. The rollout of this new policy acknowledges the indispensable role faith partners play in providing comfort and assistance to those experiencing vulnerability and strengthens opportunities to develop solutions that can address the world’s greatest humanitarian challenges.

World Relief affirms this recognition of the important role faith-based partners play in motivating humanitarian response and welcomes the opportunity for the expansion of partnerships between USAID and faith-based organizations.

“Since the early days of our nearly-80-year history, World Relief has partnered with the United States government, along with local churches and religious communities to further our mission of serving the most vulnerable,” said Myal Greene, President and CEO of World Relief. “This announcement from USAID underscores the value of public partnerships between religious communities and faith-based organizations and creates new avenues for them to not only continue but also grow stronger.”

World Relief has persistently advocated for the essential contributions that religious communities and faith-based organizations make in addressing humanitarian concerns. The leadership of faith communities brings healing and help for the vulnerable that complements and strengthens the aid provided by social services.

“Perhaps the most powerful part of USAID’s new religious engagement policy is that it addresses perceived roadblocks that have historically limited partnerships between the government and faith-based organizations,” said Lanre Williams-Ayedun, Senior Vice President of International Programs at World Relief. “The new policy offers USAID staff clarity on how to engage with religious institutions without any fear of violating important standards. I am grateful for USAID’s willingness to lean into relationships and work together with faith actors.”

To download a PDF version of this release, click here.

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