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Press Releases

Find out more about the press coverage about World Relief and our opinions and actions to help the most vulnerable

Media Contact: (571) 206-1712

World Relief Expresses Disappointment at the Reduction in US Refugee Admissions for FY18, Pledges to Continue Working with Churches to Serve Refugees


World Relief is very disappointed by reports that the President will set the maximum number of refugees who could be resettled to the United States in FY2018 at a historically low 45,000.

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World Relief Urges Congress to Pass Legislative Solution for Dreamers In Light of Termination of DACA


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief urges Congress to pass legislative solution for Dreamers in light of termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

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World Relief Calls for ‘21 Days of Peace’ in Lead Up to United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief is calling the church to personal reflection in the lead up to the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21. On September 1, World Relief released the first of three weekly guides titled, 21 Days of Peace, a resource for personal reflection centered on the idea of peace and the power it has to change hearts, communities and ultimately, the world.

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Evangelical Pastors Urge President, Congress to Protect ‘Dreamers’


Evangelical leaders, many of whom have individuals with DACA within their congregations, and global humanitarian and development organization World Relief, urge President Trump and Congress to protect ‘Dreamers.’

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World Relief Urges Swift Congressional Action to Protect Individuals with DACA Status


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief urges Congress to protect individuals who are a part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

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Standing Against Hate and Bigotry, World Relief President Pens Letter of Repentance and Calls Churches to Act with Moral Clarity and Courage


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief stands against hate and bigotry in response to the acts of hatred and terrorism Charlottesville, VA and our greater nation experienced this past weekend.

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World Relief Calls on Congress to Support Broad Immigration Reform, Believes RAISE Act Diminishes Core Strength of U.S. Immigration


Global humanitarian relief and development organization, World Relief, calls on Congress to support broad immigration reform. 

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World Relief Responds to New Report on Refugee Crisis Released by Human Rights First


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief responds to Human Rights First’s new report on the refugee crisis with statements from SVP of U.S. Ministries Emily Gray, President Scott Arbeiter and CEO Tim Breene.


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World Relief Reacts To SCOTUS Opinion On Refugee Resettlement in the United States


Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief reacts to today’s (June 26, 2017) SCOTUS opinion issued on refugee resettlement in the United States with the statements from President Scott Arbeiter and CEO Tim Breene.

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World Relief Pays Tribute to World Refuge Day As Global Number of Displaced Peoples Reaches Highest Point in Decades


Global humanitarian and development organization, World Relief pays tribute to World Refugee Day through multiple, coordinated advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill. First Designated by the United Nations on June 20, 2001, World Refugee Day helps shine a light on the current crisis—which has reached its highest point in decades—as well as honoring the strength, courage, contributions and cultures of refugees all-around the world.

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World Relief Applauds Trump Administration Decision to Maintain DACA Program


World Relief is grateful for the decision of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, announced on Thursday evening.

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World Relief Responds to Blog Published By The Times Of Israel


World Relief CEO Tim Breene responds to an inaccurate blog posted on the website of The Times of Israel

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