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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Refugee and Asylum Legislation

Supporting Refugee and Asylum Legislation

The Strengthening Refugee Resettlement Act
The Strengthening Refugee Resettlement Act strengthens refugee resettlement by ensuring refugees have proper support once resettled in the United States. By bolstering successful job training and employment programs, refugees can quickly become fully active members of their communities. This bill would also ensure refugees from especially vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, and victims of trafficking, will have access to these programs.

World Relief Statement to Support the Refugee Resettlement Act

The Refugee Protection Act
The Refugee Protection Act would resolve challenges in current US policy regarding the refugee resettlement program and asylum procedures. Specifically, the bill would change procedural hurdles to ensure asylum-seekers receive a fair hearing. Furthermore, the bill would place asylum-seekers in secure “non-detention” programs during the processing of their claims. It also attempts to institute procedural changes to make processing of asylum-seekers more fair and efficient.

World Relief Statement to Support the Refugee Protection Act

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