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Act now! With the Refugee Resettlement Program suspended, refugees and other immigrants need your urgent support

Refugee & Immigration Services | Online Giving

Refugee & Immigration Services

When refugees and immigrants arrive to the U.S., World Relief not only welcomes them with open arms, but also provides every opportunity we can to help refugees as they begin their new lives here. The gifts below help World Relief stand with the vulnerable by providing refugees and immigrants with tangible items and services they need to quickly adjust to life in the U.S., as well as the ongoing programs they need to make the U.S. home.

Winter Gear


Most refugees arrive to the U.S. with few possessions. During winter months, they need items to deal with cold temperatures. Donate winter gear such as boots, coats, hats, and gloves, helping refugee families adapt quickly to their new environment.

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Employment Training and English Classes


When refugees flee their homes, they leave their careers behind as well. Refugees arriving in the U.S. need training in labor and language skills. Donate employment training and English classes, allowing refugees to find employment quickly and earn meaningful incomes.

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Legal Accreditation Training


Many immigrants in the U.S. need help navigating the legal system. World Relief’s Immigrant Legal Support Network trains churches and individuals in their community, helping them gain accreditation to practice immigration law through the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals.

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Support a Refugee Family for a Month


It often takes refugees a month or more to find gainful employment. Donate to support a refugee family for one month, providing an economic bridge to a new season of life so families can thrive during their first month in the U.S. as they adjust to a new language, culture, and way of life.

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