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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Three to Flee Toolkit

Refugees and asylum seekers are being turned away. Often, these families have only seconds to gather their most treasured belongings. If you only had seconds to choose 3 things, what would you take?

Give yourself 60 seconds and select the three items that matter most. 

Join #threetoflee. It’s simple. 

  1. Video yourself describing the 3 items you would take with you if you were to flee your home. Use the script below.

  2. Upload your video to social media, tagging at least three of your friends or family, using the hashtag #threetoflee

  3. Visit to learn more about the over 70 million people around the world who have been forced to flee.


Everyday around the world, refugees and asylum seekers are being turned away. Often, these families have only seconds to gather their most treasured belongings. If I could take 3 things, I would take: _______ . What would you take?


Refugees and asylum seekers are being turned away. Often, these families have only seconds to gather their most treasured belongings. If you only had seconds to choose 3 things, what would you take? Take a video, share it and tag others. #threetoflee |


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