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Mobilizing Local Churches

For over 40 years, World Relief Western Washington has been equipping local churches to walk alongside refugees and immigrants. We believe that something wholly unique and special happens when faith communities unite to stand with people in vulnerable situations—offering their talents, resources and time to the work of welcome.


"Church health can’t be defined by attendance or budgets alone. Rather, by how well our congregation is loving their neighbors and coming alongside the most vulnerable in our community and around the world. As a partner, World Relief has played an important role in equipping and mobilizing our church to step into the lives of the vulnerable both here and around the world."

– Nathan Nelson, Missions Pastor at Bethany Community Church

Get started

Together, we can expand your congregation’s understanding of what it means to love, serve and learn from immigrants and refugees.


Host a Welcome Kit Drive

Refugees and asylees often flee their homes at a moment’s notice. They arrive here with few belongings, and high hopes for the future. Welcome Kits provide the basic need items they need as they begin their journey in a community. You can rally your church to host a Welcome Kit drive.

plant growing from ground

Launch a Volunteer Team

World Relief provides refugees and asylees with resettlement assistance that includes housing, employment services, community orientation, and immigration services. But we cannot do it alone. We depend heavily on volunteer and church support, both financially and in practical ways.

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Lead a Book Study

Individuals and small groups can dive deeper into issues affecting refugees and immigrants through this recommended reading list. Several of our World Relief produced books have accompanying small group study guides available for download.

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