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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

act now family reunification

One crucial way to help today is by contacting your members of Congress.

Congress has the power to act, but Members of Congress are much more likely to do so if they are convinced that their constituents see a solution for vulnerable immigrant children and families as a priority.

It’s simple. Ask your member of Congress today to:

  • Please respect our asylum laws.

  • Please stand up for immigrant children, ensuring that those being brought to the border recently are neither detained nor separated from their parents.

  • Please stand up for immigrant children, ensuring that all children held in governmental custody are in safe, sanitary conditions and reunited to families as quickly as possible.

  • Please respect our asylum laws to ensure that no one fleeing persecution is returned to danger or forced to wait months in Mexico in unsafe conditions without access to legal counsel.

Contact your Members of Congress

Support Immigrant Children and Families

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