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Why Citizenship?

As we focus on individuals who are seeking pathways to citizenship this month, Carmen Osorio, a DOJ Accredited Representative on staff in Chicagoland, sat with us to answer some questions about citizenship. To find out more about the process of naturalization, please read more here. Thank you for learning more with us and hearing from…

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Survive, Adapt, Rebuild

Mustafa and Dalia’s journey from their home in Syria to a new home in the U.S. lasted a decade. When they arrived, the process of adaptation continued for their family.

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Education Matters: Lessons Learned from a Volunteer Tutor

Meet Clare Spaulding! Originally from a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, she’s lived in Chicagoland for nearly eight years. Clare works at Communities In Schools of Chicago, an education non-profit that partners with 238 Chicago Public Schools to provide no-cost programming. She resides in Lincoln Park with her husband of 2.5 years, both active members of…

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The Road to Resilience: Part 3

How Immigrants Adapt with Support from our Counseling Center: The Invisible Load Written by Sonnie Mwangi, Mental Health Counselor & Christine Cummings, Director of Counseling Center Counselors understand that refugees and other immigrants carry more than the physical weight of their luggage when they arrive. There is an invisible load they carry of all that…

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The Road to Resilience: Part 2

How Immigrants Adapt with Support from our Counseling Center: Identity and Status Change Written by Sonnie Mwangi, Mental Health Counselor & Christine Cummings, Director of Counseling Center As we continue the series on how immigrants adapt to life in the U.S., we’d love to explore identity and status change. In addition to the basic environmental…

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The Road to Resilience: Part 1

How Immigrants Adapt with Support from our Counseling Center: Environmental Change Written by Sonnie Mwangi, Mental Health Counselor & Christine Cummings, Director of Counseling Center Change is a challenge to everyone. Think about the most natural thing as a birthday. Each year, as we age, our bodies change, growing when you are younger and bringing…

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How Car Donations Make a Difference

Saba plans to study medicine. But when she arrived in the US two years ago, she faced a huge challenge. Due to the conflict in her home country, she was missing the documents to prove her education and get started pursuing her dreams here. With the support of our Workforce Development team, today Saba is…

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Two Things to Know about Asylum Law

Given the several thousand extra asylum seekers who have arrived in our communities this year, many volunteers, church partners, and community members are looking for ways to support these families and individuals. Two of our immigration attorneys, Sarah Flagel and Ryan McDuff, share a couple things about asylum law we hope you’ll find helpful. Context:…

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Why We Welcome: The Joy We See

Please hear from Sarah Adnan, World Relief Chicagoland Staff Member I am Sarah Adnan and I work in a program that works with Afghan women that provides them extended cultural orientation classes teaching them many different topics like digital literacy, pharmaceutical care, laws in the U.S., and schooling options. Some of these women have never…

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