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The Path to Advocacy: Guillermo’s Story Navigating the American Legal System

The American legal system is often a new and complex experience for recently resettled immigrants. Many participants in World Relief Memphis (WRM) programming need help navigating these complex legal systems. Guillermo Enrique, a former WRM program participant and current volunteer, experienced this struggle firsthand and now seeks to support immigrant communities with legal navigation through…

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Bridging the Gap: Christian Thomas’ Journey as an Occupational Therapy Intern at World Relief Memphis 

At World Relief Memphis, we are continually inspired by the incredible dedication and impact of our team members. One such individual who has made a significant mark on our organization and the broader community is Dr. Christian Thomas, our talented Occupational Therapy (OT) intern and now Health & Wellness Specialist. As a certified occupational therapist,…

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Mother’s Day & Mental Health: Creating a Space for Healing

Mothers Day and Mental Health

At World Relief Memphis, we strive to support our community in meaningful ways. This Mother’s Day, we held a special event dedicated to our Cuban-entrant mothers who face the profound challenge of being separated from their children. This initiative was not only a celebration but also a recognition of the mental health struggles these women…

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Called to Empower: Gladys’ Story

As we leave Women’s History Month and enter Volunteer Appreciation Month, we wanted to share a story that embodies the spirit of both. Gladys Hunt, one of World Relief Memphis’ Good Neighbor Team volunteers, has a heart and calling for refugee empowerment and humanitarian work that is both inspiring and deeply personal. Immigrant Journey Originally…

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Living Outside the Box: A Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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Through the Eyes of a Dreamer: Elena’s Story

Compared to the stories of the people World Relief Memphis assists, my family’s story is slightly different. However, throughout this summer internship, I have been able to relate to some of the things they go through, such as coming to a new country, learning a new language, learning customs and culture and the process of…

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Compassion & Advocacy

by Hunter West // Last December I took a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, led by Abara, a nonprofit faith-based organization, alongside pastors and ministry leaders from around the country. There, I gained a first-hand look at an issue often found in our news headlines. However, headlines often do not give the fullest sense of…

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Let’s Learn About: Entrants

At World Relief Memphis, we often reflect on America as a country of immigrants and displaced persons. Throughout the generations, people have immigrated to the U.S. and established new lives. That continues today! Entrants are just one of these immigrant groups. The amount of competing information around immigration can be overwhelming. But World Relief has been…

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Imagine What it Should Be: An Advocacy Q & A

Jenny Yang photo

World Relief believes the government has a role in promoting peace and justice while also addressing systemic and structural issues that perpetuate extreme poverty and injustice. Learn more about what our advocacy work imagines what the world should be.

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