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Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God. — Matthew 5:9 A Contested Election On New Year’s Day in 2008, my wife and I arrived in Nairobi and witnessed up close the horrific aftermath of a disputed election result between the incumbent President Mwai Kibaki and his opponent,…

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Made for Change

Made for Change

Change isn’t easy.  I can’t even begin to count how many times we’ve said that phrase over the last eight months at World Relief. When I think back to March, when our offices across the globe began closing their doors due to shelter-in-place orders, it feels like another lifetime entirely.  Like many of you, we…

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Pursuing Peace Together

Imagine a world where wounds were healed and reconciliation was made possible because wrongs were acknowledged and forgiveness was both extended and received.  Where hatred and broken relationships were replaced with humble dialogue, and Christlike love fueled spiritual, relational and community development. This is the world World Relief Rwanda is helping build, and it’s the…

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Both Can Be True

Several months ago, a counselor said something that has stuck with me. She told me, “Both can be true.” I have held onto these words in the past few months as a tangible way to remind myself of the tension and the reality in our day-to-day world. For the past couple years, my husband and…

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The Church is Divided Over Racial Justice. But It Shouldn’t Be.

Rejection and Division In 1915, as famed baseball player-turned-evangelist Billy Sunday prepared for a Washington, D.C. crusade, Black Presbyterian Pastor Francis J. Grimké wrote to him, urging him to decry racism among other sins. Sunday never replied, and Grimké, like generations of Black Christians after him, lamented Sunday and so many other white ministers, “claiming…

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The Path to Lasting Change

Change isn’t easy, and it isn’t fast. Change shows up day after day, month after month, year after year. The path to change requires faithfulness, consistency and a commitment to going the distance — no matter how far or how long it takes.  I remember the day our team pulled up to the abandoned factory…

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DACA and Dream Act 101

Photo by EPA-EFE/ALBA VIGARAY On June 18th, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration from ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — at least for now. This is an answered prayer for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.  For those who may not fully understand DACA…

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Search Us and Know Us

You have searched us oh Lord — Prejudice lurks in every heart. Racism in every mind. Though they may hide themselves from consciousness, they take root. Lord, search us and know our heart. We confess and grieve our sins as well as those of our country and world. Lead us oh God in the way…

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5 Reasons for Hope

We are living in extraordinary times. The impact of the Coronavirus is being felt deeply across the world. Increasingly, this pandemic is disrupting our everyday lives and virtually every structure in our home cities and countries. This is a matter of great concern at every level of government and society, yet it is also a…

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Take Comfort, Choose Courage

“A church in search of the vulnerable and isolated is an irresistible force for good and a worthy witness to the grace of God.” -Scott Arbeiter, Christianity Today Two months ago, very few of us were familiar with the term coronavirus, and even fewer of us had heard the more specific term, COVID-19. For those…

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