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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.

Welcoming the Stranger Guide


Discovering and Living God's Heart for Immigrants: A Guide to Welcoming the Stranger

This guide was created to help a small group of people move towards action as an expression of their Christian faith. It is an experiential opportunity -- a chance to explore one of the most complex issues of our day from a biblical perspective and to live out the calling God has given his church. Each session of this guide is designed with five main components:

  • Watch
  • Read
  • Discuss
  • Pray
  • Experience

We’ve provided some information and some cues, but we hope that you’ll go beyond what we’ve provided, seeking God’s heart as you wrestle with a complex topic. We don’t know exactly where this guide will lead you, but we hope that it will be life-changing.

Session Introduction Videos

Begin each session with an introduction from Matt Soerens or Jenny Yang. They provide extra context from personal experience and help launch your groups discussion into that session's topic. Stream or download to watch.

Session A: Mission on Our Doorsteps

Session B:  Thinking Biblically about Immigration

Session C:  The Most Vulnerable: Refugees, Undocumented Immigrants, and Victims of Human Trafficking

Session D: Understanding Immigration Policy: Past and Present

Session E: Where Immigrants Come From: Addressing the Root Causes.

Session F: A Christian Response to Immigration

Immigrating the Legal Way

Session B in the Curriculum walks through a Biblical understanding of immigration drawing from Old and New Testament accounts of immigration as well as explaining immigration through a legal lens. This simulation is meant to provide an opportunity to understand the requirements for a person(s) to immigrate legally into the United States. It also serves as your [EXPERIENCE] for Session B.

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