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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.


You Can Make A Difference

World Relief, and millions around the world, need you. Together, we can embody the hope of Jesus. Will you join us?


You Can Make A Difference

World Relief, and millions around the world, need you. Together, we can embody the hope of Jesus. Will you join us?

Become a Donor

Donate Once

For over 75 years, across 100 countries, we've been perfecting a sustainable model of change. When you give to World Relief, we ensure your generosity is transformative.

Donate Monthly

Your monthly gift is a powerful tool for helping the vulnerable. Together, we can bring lasting change to communities by tackling some of our world's greatest problems.

Donate Crypto

Committed to innovation in order to tackle the world's biggest problems. Join us by donating cryptocurrency.

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy marked by love and generosity. You can stand with the vulnerable for years to come.

The Path logo

The Path is a community of monthly donors whose sustained giving allows us to respond to crises and create lasting change in communities around the world.

Changemakers logo

People with bold faith change the world. When you join this dedicated community with annual contributions of $1,000 or more, you bring light into millions of lives.

Become an Advocate

Use Your Voice

Speak up to your lawmakers on behalf of those in need. Find our latest advocacy opportunities and take action with us.

Request A Speaker

Inform your audience and inspire them to take action by inviting World Relief to speak at your next event.

Become a Volunteer

U.S. Opportunities

World Relief has over 20 locations throughout the United States, each with unique volunteer opportunities. Find your perfect fit.

Learn With the Workshop

Whether you’re new to serving your immigrant neighbors or have years of experience, our online courses offer practical skills and information to help you serve well.

Engage Your Church

Become a Church of Welcome

Whether you lead from the pulpit, the pew or in the streets, your people are ready to love the stranger. Explore ways to become a church of welcome.

Educate Your Congregation

Guide your congregants toward a deeper understanding of God's call to stand up against injustice. Explore sermon series, small group guides and other helpful resources.

Explore Partnership

We've been partnering with churches in the U.S. and around the world for over 75 years, helping them join in God's plan to bring lasting change.

Not ready to get involved? That's okay!


Keep in touch for more ways to get involved in what you're passionate about.

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