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From Haiti to San Diego

2010, Christiana Lawrence, SoCal

Christiana’s Full Circles Missions Moment and Judeline’s Family Resilience  by Christiana Lawrence, Family Services Program Manager World Relief SoCal // In 2010, following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Christiana Lawrence, now the Family Services Program Manager at World Relief Southern California, embarked on a mission trip as a high school student with her church to serve…

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Be Still, God has a Calling for Us

Webster Methodist Good Neighbor Team – Jane and Jay’s Experience When we ask the Lord for a way to serve, opportunities will come. Jane Hamway, her husband, and their young children were curious about volunteer opportunities they could experience together as a family. During a mission moment at their church, Eric Lintala (Community Engagement Manager)…

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Economic Empowerment: Tough Questions Series

A man standing at a pizza oven.

In order to become self-sufficient, the majority of new arrivals need to find a job pretty quickly. Chances are, that job is going to be entry-level while they work on their English skills and acclimate to their new surroundings.

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