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World Relief Statement on BRIDGE Act

On December 9th, a bipartisan bill, the BRIDGE Act, was introduced in the U.S. Senate, the BRIDGE Act, which would sustain the temporary relief from deportation offered to particular young people through the Department of Homeland Security’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. 

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Changemakers in Haiti — Who is the Hero?

When people think of Haiti, they often think of incredible poverty, disaster, dependence, and despair. But there is another story. It is one of the church stepping into communities as beacons of light and agents of change, offering help and hope to struggling families.

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World Relief’s Ongoing Support and Commitment to Refugees and Immigrants

World Relief has worked for decades with the evangelical community to welcome refugees as an expression of our faith. We look forward to working with the incoming administration to express that broad church support for diverse refugees coming into our country, as well as the robust public private partnership that is the cornerstone of the US refugee resettlement program. We also look forward to helping all Americans understand the actual facts amid some popular misinformation, because the United States should be justifiably proud of its long history of bipartisan leadership, compassion, and robust processes when it comes to the refugee resettlement program.

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A Unique Moment for the Church

Since the presidential election in the United States on Tuesday, we’ve received many questions from church leaders and other concerned friends regarding the path ahead for World Relief’s work with refugees and immigrants. While this aspect of our work is only one part of our larger global mission to empower the local church to stand…

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World Relief Renews Commitment to Stand with Refugees and Immigrants

World Relief CEO Tim Breene and President Scott Arbeiter issue the following joint statement:

We congratulate President-elect Donald Trump on his election victory. Since 1944, World Relief has been pleased to work with Democratic and Republican administrations to advance a humanitarian mandate that is at the heart of the American ideal and at the heart of our theology as a Christian organization.

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How To Make Sure We’re Ready for the Next Crisis

What do you do when the tragedies of this world seem like they just won’t stop? What do you do when so many already-vulnerable people suffer even greater hardship? I think I might already know what you do. Because I’ve seen you do it. And I’m hoping you might do it again. But first, a…

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Diamonds of Haiti: The Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew

[The following videos and blog post are detailed updates we’ve received from Joseph Bataille, World Relief’s Country Director in Haiti, about the relief efforts taking place in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.] Every year, my wife and I choose a new part of Haiti to explore for our anniversary. Our country is a…

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