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The relentless dream: A refugee’s journey of hope

From the time he was young, Abdulrahman idolized the American soldier as his childhood hero. He began hanging around US troops while they were patrolling the streets of Baghdad and spent 4-years working alongside Americans in combat situations, learning US military culture and ethics. 

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The Global Refugee Crisis

Statement from Stephan Bauman, President of World Relief – The Global Refugee Crisis: A Unique Moment for the Church In 1944, in response to the devastation and displacement of millions of refugees caused by World War II, the people of Park Street Church in Boston resolved to forego meals and send the money they would have spent on food to what they called the “War Relief Fund.”

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An update from Iraq (Update 1)

Below is an update from our Disaster Response Manager, Maggie Konstanski, in Iraq. The best way I can think of to describe what it is like being here is whiplash—constantly being thrown back and forth between two extremes you did not know could coexist. 

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Local Churches Stand Ready

Statement from Stephan Bauman, President of World Relief – LOCAL CHURCHES STAND READY TO WELCOME MORE REFUGEES Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States will increase the number of refugees admitted into the United States from the current level of 70,000 to 85,000 in Fiscal Year 2016.

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World Relief CEO Stephan Bauman Calls for Every American Congregation to Welcome a Refugee Family

EVERY AMERICAN CHURCH CONGREGATION SHOULD WELCOME A REFUGEE FAMILY “The American church is ready and willing to extend open arms to those fleeing war and terror in the Middle East. Whether it’s hosting refugees in our own country, or supporting churches serving them in other countries, the American church has chosen to act.” Stephan Bauman, World Relief

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Why Waging Peace is Necessary in the DR Congo

By Jenny Yang Kasolene is a beautiful, loving mother of four children in eastern DR Congo. She’s been a survivor of sexual violence – twice. She said, “When my husband and I were raising our third child, I was raped. After the rape, he has directly forsaken me telling me that he cannot live with…

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Turning Outrage into Action in DR Congo

By Lynne Hybels It started out as an ordinary day for Cecile, a married mother of five children. With her family relying on farming for their livelihood, Cecile decided to get a head start by walking to the fields early that morning. As she approached the field, however, she was stopped and threatened by eight…

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The Church in Congo

By James Misner and Marcel Serubungo In the Democratic Republic of Congo, some say that you can find all of Africa’s problems: weak national leadership, eroding rule of law, HIV/AIDS and protracted tribal conflict. Warring militias use rape as a weapon of war and perpetrate other human rights violations. Children are stolen, forced to become soldiers…

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