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Webinar on The Church and the Refugee | Refugee Crisis

Learn from Gabe Lyons (Q Ideas) as he speaks with Rich Stearns (World Vision U.S., CEO), and Stephan Bauman (World Relief, CEO) about how the church must play a key role in engaging in the current Middle East refugee crisis. This webinar explores core issues behind the headlines surrounding the U.S. refugee program and potential security…

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The hallmark of our country is to welcome the persecuted

Jenny Yang, Vice President of Advocacy and Policy at World Relief, joined Suzanne Meridien of Syrian American Council on Hashtag VOA (Voice of America) earlier today to bring clarity on how the Paris Attacks have created an uncertain future for Syrian Refugees in the United States and what we, as Americans and Christians, can do to welcome refugees.“One of the hallmarks of our country is actually to welcome the persecuted.” – Jenny Yang

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Update on Refugee Legislation and 3 Ways to Give Hope

Given recent events, the U.S. Congress has focused attention on the refugee resettlement program. Before going into the Thanksgiving recess, the House of Representatives decided to consider a bill HR.4058 this morning that would put additional cumbersome layers into the refugee program that would have essentially made the program obsolete. This bill passed the US…

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World Relief Opposes HR 4038

World Relief Opposes H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act. The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act, which would create an extra layer of certification in order for Syrian and Iraqi refugees to come to the United States as refugees in addition to additional reporting requirements. World Relief, the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, is strongly against this legislation and urges the United States to continue to welcome and protect Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

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Who is our neighbor?

Meet, Johnny, one of thousands of our volunteers across the globe choosing courage and generosity by welcoming new families to the U.S. Hear Johnny’s story and why he is committed to serving refugee families. “It is incumbent on Christians to love God and love others.” – Johnny

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Official Statement on Recent Attacks

World Relief Official Statement on the Recent Attacks in Paris and Beirut We are deeply saddened by the horrific acts of violence that recently occurred in Paris and Beirut. We join Christians throughout the world in praying for the victims and their families, as well as the survivors, that they may find peace and safety again in their countries. We also pray for the ongoing loss of life in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere where conflicts rage.

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How a grateful Syrian family has resettled in the US

Everything began to change when the Syrian revolution started in March of 2011. Protests increased as the government and police counteracted and things became increasingly violent. From their home, Rami’s family could hear the gunfire as it moved through the city and ultimately to their neighborhood.

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