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Volunteering 101: Johnny’s Story

What does it mean to volunteer? Most of the responses to this question revolve around the idea of giving of yourself, your time and talents, to serve others. The notion of volunteering is timeless and understood globally. Throughout history, people have served the underserved, supported those in need, and provided relief for the disadvantaged.

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3 Ways to Give on #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is in full effect, so we’re keeping it simple and sharing three ways you can be a part of this movement of giving. You can give your time. You can give your talent. And you can give your treasure. Time. Are you a college student who can barely afford a nice meal, let alone…

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‘Tis the Season of Giving

Every day injustice pours out of news headlines, and we’re inundated with figures that tell a story of a broken world. These statistics of war, modern-day slavery, disease and persecution can seem overwhelming. And we wonder where to even begin to address these issues. But since the Church stands on the powerful hope of Jesus…

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Health for the Future: Care Groups Make a Mark

When Dr. Pieter Ernst, a World Relief Project Director in Mozambique, saw the suffering of women and children from preventable and treatable diseases, he knew there needed to be a solution. And the awakening of healthier communities through education and more sustainable efforts is just what the doctor ordered. Following a 17-year civil war in…

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Giving Thanks: From Rose in Kenya

Kenya is a beautiful country known for its noteworthy economic growth, popular safaris and development in some urban areas. But in the midst of progress, this country of 38.8 million people also continues to experience several challenges, some of which include tensions between different groups of people and in too many extreme cases, aggressive violence. But counteracting…

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Giving Thanks: From a Mother in Burundi

Earlier this month, we shared the story of Capitoline, a hero who’s saving the lives of many children in her community in Burundi.  Now, we get to share the story of a grateful mother who knows firsthand just how important Capitoline’s skills and care are. “Nobody can love and take care of our children the…

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Give the Gift of HOPE on #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday falls right after Black Friday Weekend. It’s a new movement to integrate the celebration of generosity into what is already the largest gift-giving season of the year. What makes a donation so attractive to a culture whose spending in one weekend exceeds the combined gross national incomes of Rwanda, DR Congo, Malawi, Mozambique and…

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Giving Thanks: From Flora in India

Family is one of the most important social units in India.  In the world’s second most populated country, with 1.2 billion people, families often have tight bonds.  But even though this focus on the family is a mainstay, there are real challenges to relationships within families. In many cases, women are often overlooked in India. …

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Giving Thanks: Leam’s Story of Transformation in Cambodia

“I would like to give thanks to God and my parentsfor allowing me to participate with the [children’s] group.” said Leam, an 11-year-old boy in Cambodia. Just over a year ago, Leam was suffering with an unknown illness. Because of his health problems, he had difficulty concentrating in school and was teased by his classmates…

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