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Living Outside the Box: A Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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Advent 2024

Free Advent Devotional

by Sero Ku // Devotional, LOVE —Love was, is, and always will be a verb and a noun, for God is love.  Prepare   “God, we breathe in Your presence, your love and joy of this season. As we celebrate this season, we also recognize how possibly painful this season may be for so many in our world. We ask for your…

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Living Outside the Box: A Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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Why We Welcome: The Joy We See

Please hear from Sarah Adnan, World Relief Chicagoland Staff Member I am Sarah Adnan and I work in a program that works with Afghan women that provides them extended cultural orientation classes teaching them many different topics like digital literacy, pharmaceutical care, laws in the U.S., and schooling options. Some of these women have never…

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Pastor John Sowers: Jesus As a Vulnerable Refugee

I don’t believe I ever heard a sermon on Joseph, Mary, and Jesus having to flee to Egypt to evade the murderous cruelty of King Herod. It was as if we American Christians could all imagine being a vulnerable baby, but we did not have a lens on what it would mean to be a vulnerable refugee family.

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