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Transportation: Volunteers That Drive a Difference

Jan Probus, John Yoder, Lucy Larkin and Sherilyn Jones recently met for lunch at the Spokane office.

For newly arrived refugees, there’s nothing simple about it. They don’t have cars. They don’t have driver’s licenses. They don’t know the city. They don’t know the bus system. They can’t afford an Uber. And, often, they don’t know English well enough to ask directions.

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Why We Welcome: The Prayers We Pray

Written by Isoken Aiwerioba, Director of Operations for World Relief Chicagoland Suffer not the little children – a former colleague once told me how he had spent over 19 years in a refugee camp from when he was very young. He said though he spoke the language of his host country, he always felt like…

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Answering the Call to Care

When a refugee family from Guatemala needed support, the folks at Called to Care welcomed them with open arms. The Canandaigua based group is comprised of individuals from various churches, organizations and community groups, all with the same passion: welcoming refugees.   Forming Connections Since the Spring of 2022, Called to Care has worked as a…

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The Resilience of One Afghan Refugee

In October 2021, Atiqullah arrived at a United States Military Base, where he and thousands of other Afghan Evacuees across the nation began a complicated existence in the United States. When the US pulled troops out of Afghanistan in late 2021, the nation quickly fell to Taliban rule. In emergency response, the US took unprecedented…

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Resettled: A Life of Gratitude

Alnaseem smiles. She is happy and grateful. She is free.

This small family has fled twice from war-torn countries. Originally fleeing from Sudan, Sheekadeen and Alnaseem were living in Libya when they welcomed their only child, Mohammed, into the world. War broke out in Libya in 2011 when then President Muammar Gaddafi was killed.

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Why We Welcome: The Gift of Giving

By Cory Whitehead Ten years ago, I intentionally moved into a neighborhood where I was – and am – the “other.” Very few people look like me or have a white-collar career like me. Yet, I feel at home here. On my daily walk, my neighbors remind me of their own giving spirit, as simple…

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Church Unity is Making a Difference in Malawi

What if there was a new way forward — one not marked by injustice and division but by love, humility and unity of spirit?  One where pastors work together across denominational lines to affect change in their communities, where people and communities meet a Jesus who cares for them body, mind, soul and spirit.

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