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Economic Empowerment: Tough Questions Series

A man standing at a pizza oven.

In order to become self-sufficient, the majority of new arrivals need to find a job pretty quickly. Chances are, that job is going to be entry-level while they work on their English skills and acclimate to their new surroundings.

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Miles for Refugees: Q&A with Sara Cullen-Fong

Ever year PTR feels like a family reunion—in the best way! It’s always great to set a lofty fundraising and riding goal, work up to it, and then get to see the community that forms along the way. Every year my team gets a little bit bigger, and hopefully our impact does too.

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Prayer for Haiti

Prayer for Haiti: A map of Haiti.

Haiti is in the midst of an escalating humanitarian crisis as gang violence spirals in the country. According to the United Nations, over 5 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. Like you, we are heartbroken and grieve alongside those who are suffering.  For 30 years, World Relief has partnered with Haitian churches to…

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