How Refugees Pursue Their Dreams through Workforce Development: Prapa’s Story
Last year our workforce development team helped over 600 refugees and other immigrants find jobs. Each job placement represents a story full of loss, dreams, and hope. Employment Counselor Kailoni Wegehaupt introduces us to one inspiring family whose grit and determination is paying off as they pursue their goals after years of displacement. After nearly…
Read MoreEmpowering Communities, Transforming Lives: The SCOPE Project Journey
Today, we’re sharing what we’ve learned from the USAID-funded SCOPE project in a new, detailed report. Read more about our work engaging faith leaders and community groups in child and maternal health.
Read MoreDriving Lessons for Refugees: Women Helping Women
Rita and Morella noticed a growth in confidence in the women who attended the first driving class. Each driving session ends with anticipation for the next one.
Read MoreCalled to Serve: Q&A with Alec Hill, Founding Director of the World Relief Seattle Office
Meet Alec Hill, who opened World Relief’s office in Seattle, Washington — one of our first two local resettlement offices.
Read MoreThe spirit of persistence in womanhood
Laura Sauer reflects on the eye-opening experiences while teaching abroad and her observations of commonality in womanhood around the world.
Read MoreHospitality workforce mostly recovers to pre-pandemic rates
Between 20 and 25 people work at the Spokane Valley hotel, some of whom are non-English speakers and youth employees, Guinn says.
Read MoreCross-Cultural Friendship: Choosing Curiosity over Judgment
Humility is keeping in mind that we don’t see 100% of the picture. Compassion operates out of that humility. Our lives are only a tiny part of the human experience. Refugees and other immigrants can add new dimensions, colors and wide swaths of cultural perspectives to our worldview.
Read MoreWomen Leading Change: Q&A with World Relief Chad’s Country Director
Dr. Justine Nagorngar, World Relief Chad’s Country Director, is one of the many women leading change at World Relief. She shares her experience as a female country director and what it means to invest in women and accelerate progress for all.
Read MoreHow Car Donations Make a Difference
Saba plans to study medicine. But when she arrived in the US two years ago, she faced a huge challenge. Due to the conflict in her home country, she was missing the documents to prove her education and get started pursuing her dreams here. With the support of our Workforce Development team, today Saba is…
Read MoreMeet Nou: Fox Valley Site Director
At the end of 2023, Tami McLaughlin retired as Site Director for World Relief Wisconsin, after 10+ years of service and dedication to the community. In January, we welcomed Nou Huse (pronounced “New”) as the next Site Director for the Fox Valley office. Nou considers herself to be 1.5 generation Hmong-American. She was born in…
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