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Glory to Be Revealed

A soccer player and former refugee from Myanmar.

Here’s how Di Sae’s faith and love of soccer helped him bond with others in school and honor his parents’ sacrifices along the way.

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Program Spotlight: Health Services

At World Relief Fox Valley, we take pride in helping our new neighbors not only relocate, but to make sure they are in good health. In a recent interview with Kayla Gomez, the Health Services Manager, she explains our process with helping our new neighbors and what kind of services we offer.   “World Relief Health…

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Top 3 Donation Needs  

We couldn’t be more appreciative for all the donors who have helped our new neighbors feel comfortable when moving into the Fox Valley. We are truly thankful! Although we have equipped so many families with the essentials they need to live an everyday life, the work still continues. In this blog, we will go over…

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World Relief and the National Association of Evangelicals Honor the Legacy of Former President Arthur Gay

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July 27, 2023 CONTACT:Pinkston BALTIMORE, MD — World Relief and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) honor the life and legacy of Arthur Gay, who died on July 26, by recognizing his years of leadership and contributions to their respective organizations. Over the course of his career, Arthur served as both the president of…

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Creative Solutions for Refugees in South America

Since 2017, Venezuelans have been fleeing the country, escaping a combination of hyperinflation, lack of food and water, and government violence. In response to this large influx of over six million refugees all throughout South America, Colombia and Brazil have adopted unique measures. Instead of resisting immigration, they’ve supported refugees and welcomed them with open…

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Let’s Learn About: Asylees

We are reflecting this month on Independence Day and the freedom that has attracted people to the United States. At World Relief Memphis, we often reflect on America as a country of immigrants and displaced persons. Throughout the generations, people have immigrated to the U.S. and established new lives. That continues today! Asylees are just…

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Grounded in God’s Vision: Q&A with Aerlande Wontamo

"Ground in God's Vision" text with a photo of Aerlande Wontamo

In January 2023, we welcomed Aerlande Wontamo as World Relief’s new Senior Vice President of U.S. Programs. She recently sat down with us to share how her professional expertise, personal experience and strong sense of calling have uniquely prepared her for this role.  We hope you enjoy hearing from Aerlande as much as we did!…

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World Relief Praises the Re-Introduction of the Bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act and Urges Swift Passage

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July 14, 2023 CONTACT:Pinkston BALTIMORE, MD — Today, World Relief praises the bipartisan re-introduction of an Afghan Adjustment Act in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives and urges swift Congressional passage of the bill. This important bill acknowledges the plight of Afghan nationals who faced an urgent threat of persecution…

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