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It Takes a Village

It was 3 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon when we got the call. A woman in the Congolese community had contracted COVID-19 — the first of what would turn out to be many cases for the Congolese living in the Quad Cities area. My mind raced with questions as we worked to determine the best…

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An Invitation to Reflection

Last week, our U.S. staff gathered together for a time of prayer and lament for the life of George Floyd and the many others who have lost their lives due to systemic racism this year. World Relief’s Karen Gonzalez led our team through a devotional on the Emmaus Road and challenged us all to be…

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Asylum Program |Programa de Asilo

What is World Relief’s Asylum Program? | ¿Que es el Programa de Asilo? ​ World Relief Memphis offers the following support programs to individuals and families granted asylum into the United States.  World Relief Memphis ofrece los siguientes programas de apoyo a individuos y familiares que han obtenido el estatus de asilo en los Estados Unidos. Employment…

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Voices from the Field: COVID-19

Over the last several months, our International Country Directors have recorded video messages to update us on how things are going for their teams and beneficiaries and to encourage those of us living in the U.S. In times like these, we are grateful for technology that keeps us connected as we weather this pandemic together. …

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World Relief Calls on Church to Rise Up for Biblical Justice in the Face of Ongoing Racism

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 3, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – World Relief has worked for over 75 years in the U.S. and in 100 countries throughout the world to stand with vulnerable people of every background. Today, we stand grieving in the face of the effects of the racial injustices that have, for too long, plagued our own nation. Sadly, racism is not new, but we have…

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Building a Better Future

Aise Nature Bahonda and Emily Yope are proud to be a part of the refugee community here in Memphis. I had the opportunity to sit down with them and discuss their story and their aspirations for the future; doing so in hopes to encourage other new commers to this city and to remind others of…

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Search Us and Know Us

You have searched us oh Lord — Prejudice lurks in every heart. Racism in every mind. Though they may hide themselves from consciousness, they take root. Lord, search us and know our heart. We confess and grieve our sins as well as those of our country and world. Lead us oh God in the way…

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Treasures in the Dark


COVID-19 is proving to be a deep, dark season. It was March 16th when we closed our office and began working remotely. The virus hadn’t yet hit the Fox Valley area so although our team was preparing, we weren’t really sure for what. We began praying, as individuals and as a team, for the refugee…

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World Relief Calls for Increased International Support for Food Insecurity in Developing Countries due to COVID-19

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** May 20, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, World Relief, a Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to respond to disasters and alleviate poverty worldwide, hosted a live press call on how the global COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating food insecurity in developing countries, particularly those in…

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