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Love Remains: Devotional Series

In times like this, when fear and uncertainty threaten to overwhelm us, it’s helpful to take a step back and ground ourselves in the truth of who we are and whose we are. The gospel message we celebrate at Easter is one of absolute, unconditional love. You are more deeply loved by God than you…

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Still Good: Reflections on Good Friday in a Pandemic

Two years ago I was visiting a refugee camp on Good Friday.  It was my fourth and final day hiking the trails that connected dusty ridges and sandy ravines. The way was lined with unending rows of square bamboo and tarp huts.  I had asked questions, listened to stories, taken photos, and shared hundreds of…

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The Good News Report

“We are all going through an incredibly trying time. But through all the anxiety, through all the confusion, through all the isolation, through all the Tiger King, somehow the human spirit found a way to break through and blow us all away.” — John Krasinksi The world is crumbling… or so it would seem. Everywhere…

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5 Reasons for Hope

We are living in extraordinary times. The impact of the Coronavirus is being felt deeply across the world. Increasingly, this pandemic is disrupting our everyday lives and virtually every structure in our home cities and countries. This is a matter of great concern at every level of government and society, yet it is also a…

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Each for Equal

In honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Karen Gonzales, World Relief’s Director of Human Resources, has written an e-book that shines a light on women’s stories in the Bible and why women’s theological perspectives matter.

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Take Comfort, Choose Courage

“A church in search of the vulnerable and isolated is an irresistible force for good and a worthy witness to the grace of God.” -Scott Arbeiter, Christianity Today Two months ago, very few of us were familiar with the term coronavirus, and even fewer of us had heard the more specific term, COVID-19. For those…

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World Relief’s Response to COVID-19

The World Health Organization has now officially recognized the COVID-19 crisis as a pandemic, with more than 170,000 individuals already known to be affected throughout the world, and experts anticipate the numbers will continue to rise. At World Relief, our desire and the core of our mission is to walk with and serve those in…

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Fear, Faith and the Force of the Church

It’s easy to feel anxious and fearful of what the future holds as the global COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty loom large – for ourselves, our families, our World Relief community and those we serve in some of the most vulnerable regions around the world. Yet, we find comfort in knowing God is faithful, good…

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Our Commitment to Gender Equality

As we celebrate International Women’s Day and reflect upon the theme of #EachforEqual, we think it’s important for us, as leaders, to affirm and reinforce our belief in full equality and inclusion of women at all levels of leadership, as well as to demonstrate the ways we’re working toward achieving this within our own organization.…

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‘God is a God of Mercy’

How Justin Kalumuna survived a military attack, brought his family to safety and rebuilt his life in the U.S. Part I: Escaping Violence in the DRC When Justin Kalumuna left for work one morning in 2011, he wasn’t expecting that day to be the first in his 7-year journey as a refugee.  It was on…

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