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Critical funding for refugees and families in need is gone. Families in crisis need your support.


Our work in the past year:

 Empowered over four million people through church-based community development in  AFRICA .    >>

Empowered over four million people through church-based community development in AFRICA . >>

 Provided vital services to 32,000 immigrants and refugees across the  U.S .      >      >

Provided vital services to 32,000 immigrants and refugees across the U.S . > >

 Brought healing to over 200,000 across the  MIDDLE EAST .    >>

Brought healing to over 200,000 across the MIDDLE EAST . >>

 Responded to 18  DISASTERS  around the world.    >>

Responded to 18 DISASTERS around the world. >>

 Provided urgent relief to more than a million people in communities plagued by  CONFLICT .    >>

Provided urgent relief to more than a million people in communities plagued by CONFLICT . >>

 Mobilized thousands of Christian leaders to  ADVOCATE  for vulnerable refugees and immigrants.      >>

Mobilized thousands of Christian leaders to ADVOCATE for vulnerable refugees and immigrants. >>

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