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World Relief Durham Afghan Refugee Response Update

Hear from World Relief Durham’s Director Adam Clark about our response to the Afghan refugee situation and what we’re expecting over the next few months. We are so encouraged by the outpouring of support and generosity from our community, which will enable World Relief Durham to serve and help resettle refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq,…

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Emma’s Story

Photo: Emma shares a smile with former World Relief Durham Immigration Legal Services Manager, Kjerstin Lewis, moments after receiving her green card. Emma is a mother of four, a wife, a homeowner, a new business owner, and a resident of Durham. She is also one of this country’s new lawful permanent residents (green card holders).…

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“Letter From a Refugee” film released

Letter From A Refugee by Sachi Dely from VerveFilms on Vimeo. Film Synopsis & credits Unfortunate circumstances in Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 forced many people to leave their beloved country. Sachi Dely, an artist based out of Greensboro, NC, experienced something similar two decades ago in Vietnam. Through this visual poem, Sachi renders…

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