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5 Ways to Keep Welcoming Afghans

5 Ways to Keep Welcoming Afghans

In August 2021, the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan, and Kabul fell to the Taliban. Many Afghans, especially those who had assisted the U.S. government, were left at considerable risk. Since the withdrawal, an estimated 84,600 Afghans have been evacuated to the U.S. Over the last year, people like you have helped us welcome 3,419…

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Your Family is Coming: The Long Road to Reunion for Refugees

Your Family is Coming

Everyday, people like Ibrahim make the painful decision to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and climate-related factors. Their journeys are often marked by loss, separation and worry for those left behind.  For ten years, Ibrahim carried the weight of being separated from his family. This is his story of…

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20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

Around the world, 103 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes — the highest number in recorded history. Of those, 32.5 million are considered refugees, having fled across an international border due to war, violence, conflict or persecution. That’s millions of mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, teachers, doctors and friends — each…

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Reflections on Motherhood, Privilege and War

"For All Mothers"

This afternoon my husband built our son a playhouse. Ten minutes was all it took to assemble the basic sand-colored canvas, another ten to fill it with plush blankets and toys. As the sun streamed through our living room window and my husband marveled at the safe, sweet little space he’d built for our son,…

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From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, plunging the nation into violent conflict. This act of war highlights how violence places innocent lives in danger, and we continue to pray for all those affected. In the last 18 years, World Relief has resettled over 13,000 refugees from Ukraine. Many, like Bohdan…

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8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

A full-scale invasion of Ukraine is underway. More than 14 million Ukrainian women, men and children have been forced to flee their homes, nearly 6.8 million of whom have fled to other countries. Together, we can respond.  World Relief is currently working with partners on the ground in Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova and Western Ukraine…

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Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

As World Relief continues to resettle Afghans who were evacuated from Afghanistan, we are reminded that resettlement often comes with both grief and gratitude.  For Afghans like David, resettling in North Texas has been an immense gift of safety, security and community. And yet, he feels the heartache of leaving his home and extended family…

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Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

As the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. continues to increase in the coming months, we invite you to partner with us as we welcome them. Today, we’re excited to give you a glimpse at the lasting change that can happen when we move together. A Crossing of Paths At World Relief, we’re honored…

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Four Ways We Can Improve Our Immigration System

Over the past several months, Americans have been inundated with news and imagery from the U.S.-Mexico border. As policies have shifted, historically high numbers of people have arrived, including many intending to seek asylum in the United States. People often ask me how we, as Christians, should respond to stories like these. We want to…

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Suad Yusuf is Making Positive Change in West Darfur

Suad Yusuf is Making Positive Change in West Darfur

Suad Yusuf Ibrahim is a Nutrition Coordinator in West Darfur, Sudan, working with internally displaced people *(IDP) in an IDP camp. When a humanitarian crisis erupted in the great Darfur region in 2004, World Relief Sudan responded to the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable IDPs and hosting communities. Suad joined the work just a…

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