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Why We Welcome: The Hope We Have

This guest blog is written by Alisha L Garza, a Volunteer Coordinator in our DuPage Office To be human is to experience a variety of emotions—often conflicting ones. Like a woman in childbirth, there is the striking reality of pain and joy. Even Jesus was called the Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53:3), while the author…

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Why We Welcome: The Gift of Giving

This guest blog is written by Shelley Hiller, a long term partner of World Relief This summer, my church started a Good Neighbor Team. We were matched with a family from Syria who had been living in Iraq for several years while undergoing the vetting process for refugees. On the surface, there are many differences…

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Evangelical Leaders in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina & Across the US to Presidential Candidates: Consider a Biblical Perspective on Immigration

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Today, evangelical pastors and leaders from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina joined a virtual press call convened by the Evangelical Immigration Table and World Relief, urging presidential candidates – of all parties – to commit to be guided by biblical principles as they approach the topic of immigration.

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Living Outside the Box: Rodney’s Story of Transformation (VIDEO)

“Thinking outside of the box” is a phrase often used to praise imaginative and bold ideas. When we need to solve a problem but there’s no clear path forward, our minds are stretched and we are forced to imagine a better way. But what would it look like to not just think outside the box, but to LIVE outside of the box as well? 

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