The way a simple donation left a lasting impact on a Rwandan Genocide survivor.
In April of 1994, the tragic Rwandan Genocide began. Lasting only 100 days, it devastated the country of Rwanda. For the Tutsi tribe, it was a fight for survival. For the Hutu tribe, it was a fight for power and to decimate all the people of the Tutsi tribe. As a result, more than 800,000 people were killed and nearly 2 million Rwandans fled the country. A man named Augustine was among those who fled. He and his wife fled for survival. Many people of the Tutsi tribe traveled on foot out of Rwanda to neighboring countries. It was not an easy escape. Augustine remembers, “We were trying to escape, and we were running so we would not get caught and be arrested.”
In 2001, Augustine and his wife safely made it to a refugee camp in Malawi, where they would live for the next two decades. Living in the refugee camp in his 70s meant that he was an elder to the majority of the residents in the camp. Augustine said that he “would talk to people in the camp about how they have to behave and how they have to live with others.” He taught them how to co-exist well: to be patient, kind, and not easily angered. The other residents looked up to Augustine. They respected him, and they would spend many days listening to stories and advice he shared from his own life.
A Man of Faith
Augustine lived for many decades in a challenging and uncomfortable situation. When we asked what brought him hope during these challenging times, he simply replied, “only praying.” Augustine is a man of faith, who loves the Lord above all else. He stated, “I thank God every time I go to sleep, every time I go to eat, every time I wake up. I thank God for that.”
In March of 2024, Augustine, his wife, son, and granddaughter were finally able to leave the refugee camp in Malawi. They boarded a plane to their final destination, Fort Worth, Texas. Once they arrived in Fort Worth, they were greeted by World Relief staff and taken to their new residence. Augustine is now 94 years old and grateful to seek refuge in a safe place that his family can finally settle into.
The Impact of Donations
Upon arriving in Fort Worth, we were informed that Augustine learned to ride a bike in Malawi. The doctors there encouraged him to ride to relieve excessive joint pain. Biking became one of his favorite activities and a key to his good physical health. With the support of a donation, we were able to bless Augustine with a bicycle. Augustine shared that the two things that bring him joy are Jesus and riding his bike.
We are thankful for donations like this that bless people like Augustine. The impact a simple donation can bring to an individual is something we may oftentimes take for granted. May this be a reminder for us all that even one donation and act of service, can bring joy in another’s life.

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