For over 75 years, across 100 countries, we've been connecting people like you to the world's greatest needs—extending your compassion to millions of suffering men, women and children. Together we're creating change that lasts—today, tomorrow and for generations to come.
Our Focus
We're partnering with over 6,000 churches and 95,000 local volunteers to tackle the world's greatest problems.
We need you in the fight against poverty, violence and injustice around the world. When we join together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing light to the darkest corners of our world as a powerful force for good. Here's how:
You can defend and speak up on behalf of the vulnerable and suffering around our world. Together, we can intercede on behalf of those who are suffering, in poverty or without protection, in order to influence those in positions of power who can save lives.
You can help us expand our reach and multiply our impact around the world when you join our family of over 95,000 volunteers worldwide. Learn how to serve in a safe and inclusive space through our e-learning platform, The Workshop. Your commitment makes all the difference to those who are suffering.
When you give, you’ll transform the lives of millions of suffering men, women and children around the globe. In a time of such great need, we need you on our team more than ever before. We cannot do this work without you.
News & Stories
Who’s Really Welcome? Our Compassion for Ukrainians Shouldn’t be Exclusive to Just Them
Global Support for Ukraine Last week, the White House announced a plan to admit up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees to the United States. This was a welcomed announcement given the increasing numbers of Ukrainians arriving to Poland, Romania and other European nations. This policy has been one of many successive policy decisions by President Biden…
The Compounding Effects of COVID-19 on Women and Girls
“The impacts of crises are never gender-neutral, and COVID-19 is no exception.” – UN Women A Pre-Pandemic Issue While the pandemic has touched nearly every corner of the globe, the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on women and children cannot be overstated. Before the pandemic, women already earned less, had access to fewer social protections and…
Women and Men Leading Together
“So God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27 In the Beginning In the beginning, God created — God separated the land from the sea; made plants and animals, fish and birds, men and women. When it was finished,…
Don’t move through life wishing you’d done more for our suffering world. God designed you to be a light amidst the darkness, extending his love and compassion to the most vulnerable among us.
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