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I am a Dreamer

I vividly remember June 15, 2012. It was my little sister’s graduation from the University of California, Irvine, and we were getting ready for her big day. The TV was on in the background, playing either Telemundo or Univision. I can’t quite remember which. When the president came on the TV, we all stopped what…

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Leveraging Relationships to Serve the Most Vulnerable

A Critical Moment We are facing a critical moment in the global COVID-19 crisis. While many parts of the U.S. are reopening, the crisis continues to unfold in Africa and other parts of the developing world. While official case numbers remain modest in many countries (due, in part, to limited testing capacity) the severe effects…

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Five Ways You Can Stand With Dreamers

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that – for the moment, at least – keeps Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) alive. While the decision was consistent with what World Relief has advocated for many years, I confess that to me, it came as a very happy surprise. I had been dreading…

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In Celebration of Resilience

In my work at World Relief, I am constantly reminded of the strength and resilience found in people who have faced great hardship to not only come to the United States, but also to rebuild their lives here. Now, with a worldwide health crisis and a national reckoning of racial injustice, many refugees and immigrants…

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DACA and Dream Act 101

Photo by EPA-EFE/ALBA VIGARAY On June 18th, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration from ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — at least for now. This is an answered prayer for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.  For those who may not fully understand DACA…

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World Relief Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling Challenging Trump Administration Attempt to Terminate DACA

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 18, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court challenged the process by which the Trump administration sought to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which since 2012 has allowed roughly 800,000 individuals who were brought to the United States as children to…

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World Relief Honors Refugees’ Resilience & Sacrifice for World Refugee Day 2020

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***June 17, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren CarlLauren.carl@pinkston.co703-388-6734 BALTIMORE – This week, World Relief is marking World Refugee Day 2020, which is annually commemorated on June 20, with a number of activities, including the launch of an online Facebook Live event called, “Creating Welcome with Story,” on Wednesday, June 17 at 4 p.m. EST. This conversation…

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It Takes a Village

It was 3 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon when we got the call. A woman in the Congolese community had contracted COVID-19 — the first of what would turn out to be many cases for the Congolese living in the Quad Cities area. My mind raced with questions as we worked to determine the best…

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An Invitation to Reflection

Last week, our U.S. staff gathered together for a time of prayer and lament for the life of George Floyd and the many others who have lost their lives due to systemic racism this year. World Relief’s Karen Gonzalez led our team through a devotional on the Emmaus Road and challenged us all to be…

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