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How Do We Help Our Kids Stand with the Vulnerable?

At World Relief, it’s in our DNA to stand with the vulnerable. With school back in session and all of the dynamics that come along with this season, how do we teach our kids to stand with the vulnerable? This week, as many children in America start a new school year, I can’t help but…

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In Remembrance of Alan Kurdi

[WARNING: The blog post below contains images that some readers may find disturbing.] Alan Kurdi died one year ago today. On September 2, 2015, three year old Alan’s lifeless body washed up on a beach in Turkey. The photo of Alan appeared on the homepage of just about every media outlet in the Western world.…

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The (Bloody) Face of Violence in Syria

If you haven’t already, take a moment and watch the video below. It’s not easy to watch. It shouldn’t be. It’s horrific, startling and heartbreaking. It feels all too familiar. We are two weeks away from the one year anniversary of young Alan Kurdi’s death. Seeing the photo of Aylan’s lifeless body washed up on…

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South Sudan: World’s Youngest Nation on the Brink of Civil War

[This post comes to us from a team member in South Sudan, however we’re choosing to keep the author’s identity private at this time.] In most parts of the world, Independence Day is something to celebrate. It’s a day to remember past sacrifice and to celebrate the victory of a battle hard fought. And yet,…

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In Celebration of Courage and Leadership

As we in the United States look towards next week’s celebration of Independence Day, we are mindful of the millions around the world whose daily experience does not include many of the same rights and freedoms we enjoy. As we remember them, we recommit ourselves to standing with these vulnerable people groups. We also celebrate…

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How You Stand with the Vulnerable

Because of the generosity of donors, World Relief was able to help Preemptive Love provide food and other essential items to 500 families in Fallujah. Two weeks ago, Iraqi military forces began ground operations around the city of Fallujah to reclaim it from ISIS. Within the first week, 500 families were liberated but left without food,…

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