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Fear, Faith and the Force of the Church

It’s easy to feel anxious and fearful of what the future holds as the global COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty loom large – for ourselves, our families, our World Relief community and those we serve in some of the most vulnerable regions around the world. Yet, we find comfort in knowing God is faithful, good…

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Our Commitment to Gender Equality

As we celebrate International Women’s Day and reflect upon the theme of #EachforEqual, we think it’s important for us, as leaders, to affirm and reinforce our belief in full equality and inclusion of women at all levels of leadership, as well as to demonstrate the ways we’re working toward achieving this within our own organization.…

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Voices From the Field: Future for Women

There are more than 3.5 billion women and girls in the world today — women and girls made in the image of God. At World Relief, we envision a world where women and girls are free from violence and oppression, and have the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential. We asked World Relief…

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Co-Authoring God’s Story

Our world is full of stories. From ancient hieroglyphics to the stories in the Bible, to cultural fables and modern fiction — stories create understanding and give meaning to our world. They captivate and compel the human brain like nothing else can. They affect how we think, how we behave and how we respond to…

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Renewed Hope: An Interview with Pastor Orr

Pastor Orr is the Senior Pastor at Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. In July 2019, he traveled to Rwanda with a group of pastors to learn from World Relief’s peacebuilding and racial reconciliation efforts in Rwanda.  Q: Tell us about your trip. How did it compare to your expectations? I’ve always been impressed…

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An Extraordinary Yes

Extraordinary. It’s not a word many of us use often. We reserve it for people, times and places that are so exquisite, so set apart, that no other descriptor can carry their weight.

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Love Grows Greater

The world is indeed full of peril, and there are many dark places within it. We find this to be true every time we turn on the news.

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Rebirth and Renewal

It was late May in 2004 when torrential rains hit Mapou, a small village nestled within the La Selle mountain range in southeastern Haiti.

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