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He is Still Good

It’s been over a full year since the first Executive Order that began a time of chaos and reductions in the refugee program – and kicked off a wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies.

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When Statistics Lie

Earlier this week, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Homeland Security jointly released a new report focused on “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

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Enough is Enough

  Writing in 1921 after the first World War, English poet WB Yeats wrote a poem entitled “The Second Coming,“ in which he wrote: Things fall apart, the center cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.The blood dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the…

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Love Never Fails

Sometimes it feels as though the world is on fire. Each day of 2017 brought a new story that reminded us that we live in a world seemingly settled on top of tinder, full of angry people running around with match in hand. We see the flames of war, terrorism, sexual violence, racism and continued violence against the refugee and immigrant raging around us and growing in intensity.

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Love Endures All Things

  “You have to keep holding on to HOPE to keep holding on.You having to keep finding your HOPE when you’ve lost it, or you lose your way.You have to breathe HOPE to keep your lungs and your dreams from collapsing.You have to let HOPE always carry you or fears will carry you away.And these…

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5 Words That Can Change a Nation

In 2008 my wife and I were in her childhood home of Kenya when violence after the country’s election broke out—resulting in the death of over 1,100 people and the displacement of thousands more. As we witnessed the devastation in the lives of our friends and the Kenyan people, we felt called to act. And…

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What is Your One Act of Love?

It’s been a remarkable and difficult month for so many people around the world. If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you are not alone. A message from World Relief’s President, Scott Arbeiter: As you consider your one act of love in this current season, we invite you to learn more about the areas in which we’re…

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Transforming Lives and Communities Through the Local Church

For years governments and humanitarian organizations have poured money and effort into global aid. With the state of our world today, it’s no wonder people ask, “What has this accomplished? Is there a better way?” Over seven decades, World Relief has operated in more than 110 countries alongside governments and other humanitarian organizations. Over these…

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