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Women, men and children are in desperate need of help in Lebanon. Will you send aid today?

Good Neighbor Ambassador
Resource Toolkit

Get Started

  • Ambassador Guide
    • Guide covering general information regarding your role as an ambassador and Good Neighbor Teams.
  • One Voice Guide
    • Guide covering general information regarding communication, language, and social media use as a Good Neighbor Ambassador. Read through this if you are planning on utilizing social media as a way to promote and recruit Good Neighbor Teams. Focus specifically on ethical storytelling (page 13) and social media use (pages 13-17).
  • Training - Powerpoint Slides
    • This is a summary of the Ambassador and One Voice Guide and are the slides used by your Ambassador Coach during your training.

Social Media


The following digital content are approved to post to any of your personal social media channels that qualify. Edits or other content are not allowed without approval. See Social Media Guide.


Follow World Relief channels to re-share awareness/inspiration content. Follow the Social Media Guidelines regarding your own comments, etc.

Your Ambassador Coach can provide links to your region's social media channels.


General Info

World Relief Overview

World Relief

One Good Neighbor Team's Experience

World Relief

Educational Videos

The following 1.5 minute videos from The Evangelical Immigration Table overview key concerns from a Christian perspective.

Biblical Worldview

Evangelical Immigration Table

Illegal Immigration

Evangelical Immigration Table

Economic Impact

Evangelical Immigration Table

Amnesty vs. Restitution

Evangelical Immigration Table

Security Concerns

Evangelical Immigration Table

Keeping Families Together

Evangelical Immigration Table


When sharing about Good Neighbor Teams, there are several resources at your disposal. Feel free to download, print, and leave with those you meet with or email as a follow up. Your local office may have additional printed materials.

Good Neighbor Team Resources

These resources can be used as you meet with individuals or groups specifically interested in forming Good Neighbor Teams.

  • Good Neighbor Program - Flyer
    • This document explains the basics of a Good Neighbor Team.
  • Map of Good Neighbor Team Process
    • This document details the process of a Good Neighbor Team from first learning about the opportunity to completing it.
  • Team Interest Forms
    • This form can be filled out by anyone interested in learning more about Good Neighbor Teams. A World Relief staff from your office will receive it and can reach out with more information.

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