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12 Independence Day Celebrations Around the World

July 2, 2024 |

Have you ever wondered if or how other countries celebrate Independence Day around the world? Read more about 12 independence day celebrations around the world.

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

October 30, 2020

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God. — Matthew 5:9 A Contested…

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Change Disrupts

Change Disrupts, But Love Still Grows

October 26, 2020

It’s been a year of difficult change. But at World Relief, we believe you were made for change —  not…

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Made for Change

Made for Change

October 12, 2020

Change isn’t easy.  I can’t even begin to count how many times we’ve said that phrase over the last eight…

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Making Change for Girl's in Malawi

Making Change for Girls in Malawi

October 9, 2020

Each year, 12 million girls across the globe are married before the age of 18. Every minute, 23 young girls…

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Pursuing Peace Together

September 21, 2020

Imagine a world where wounds were healed and reconciliation was made possible because wrongs were acknowledged and forgiveness was both…

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Dear Ivanka

September 16, 2020

World Relief, along with a host of other evangelical organizations, recently penned a letter to Ivanka Trump urging her “to…

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