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Discourse and Politics: Tips for this Election Season

September 17, 2024 |

The current political discourse can feel exhausting, regular conversations with friends and family can unexpectedly turn into political debates and watching TV means being inundated with candidate ads and political news. We are overwhelmed and navigating the discourse and politics can be challenging. You do not want to offend but still want to speak the truth in love.

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Here…is the poorest village in Turkana

August 25, 2011

Much of today was spent in the car, bouncing and jostling our way across the vast and sometimes desolate plains…

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Another Day of Driving

August 25, 2011

This morning we return to our dusty vehicle for another day of driving. But today is different, because first of…

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We Are Finally in Lodwar, Turkana

August 24, 2011

The road from Kitale to Lodwar – World Relief’s hub of operations in Turkana – is bone-jarring. The distance is…

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We Can Begin Now

August 24, 2011

We will be in Turkana today! After traveling for almost 3 days now, we will finally arrive at our intended…

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Tomorrow Will Change

August 23, 2011

Today it seems that life in Nairobi, Kenya jolted and grinded along as it always does. The traffic from the…

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A Call to Act Before Starvation Demands It, Why Turkana, Kenya?

August 23, 2011

In Kenya, right now, more than 3.5 million people need emergency food assistance. And while the statistic is true, the…

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