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World Refugee Day 2019

On World Refugee Day we want to shine a light on the individuals, from multiple countries who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety and future.

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Welcoming Refugees is Everyone’s responsibility

The first time I celebrated World Refugee Day was June 20, 1997, along with thousands of others in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Kigoma, Tanzania. A child at that time, I did not really know what it was for or why people celebrated it. Looking back, I realize that the children’s poems and plays, speeches from the…

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Refugees and Displaced People Around the World

Behind every journey is sacrifice, love and hope – behind every person is a unique story to be celebrated and honored. As refugee and immigrant families resettle into their new homes, lives are not only being rebuilt but hundreds of people are thriving through the love and support of community. Watch and learn about these…

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Voices From the Field: DR Congo

Yesterday was International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, a serious injury that can occur from complications in childbirth. The World Health Organization used this day to call on the international community to significantly raise awareness and intensify actions towards ending obstetric fistula.

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is

In celebration of International day of Families, we honor and recognize the hundreds of church leaders, volunteers and staff that sacrificially give their time and energy to our Families for Life program and, more importantly,  to the men, women and children whose lives have been changed through the volunteers’, leaders’ and staff’s love in action.

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How ‘savings circles’ empower women in rural Africa

In a rural community in the small African country of Burundi, 16 women squeeze on to narrow wooden benches, arranged in a rugged circle under the shadow of banana trees. One woman’s toddler squirms in her lap. Another has tied her sleeping baby to her back with a wrap.

Each week, they come together in a World Relief Savings for Life group to learn about basic money management and to save money for emergencies, basic needs or small business investments.  Read story

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