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Half the Sky

The 1MT Kilimanjaro team summited Kilimanjaro on International Women’s Day to honor their sisters who suffer violence in war zones. Editors Note: What follows is an update about One Million Thumbprints from Stephan Bauman, President at World Relief.  Today at dawn, my wife, Belinda and 13 other climbers, summited Mount Kilimanjaro, the rooftop of Africa, in…

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Finding Hope on the Front Lines

Editors Note: What follows is an update recently received from Maggie Konstanski, World Relief’s Disaster Response Manager. Maggie writes from Iraq, where she is currently working with local leaders to assist families forced from their homes because of the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Since last May, this is my fourth month here in Iraq, and I…

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What Will You Leave Behind?

For almost two thousand years, Christians of many denominations have observed the season of Lent, beginning with the observance of Ash Wednesday. While the exact practices of Lent vary from one individual to another, one common practice has been to fast, or give up something, between Ash Wednesday and Easter. By abstaining from a vice, a specific indulgence or luxury, those who follow Christ give up something we would otherwise rely upon, letting our hunger for that thing drive us towards deeper dependence on God as we prepare for the redemption we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

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World Relief Restructures

World Relief Restructures Leadership Team to Seize Opportunities and Strengthen its Impact. For more than 70 years World Relief has empowered the local church to serve millions in some of the hardest places in the world. Over the past five years, World Relief has stepped out in significant ways. The organization developed a standardized philosophy, curriculum and set of tools to significantly increase and measure its global impact.

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Syrian refugees find new hope in Memphis

So far 19 Syrians have taken refuge in Memphis, and Mahmoud Al Hazaz is just one. He left his home country of Syria behind and took his family to Jordan after the government shelled his successful restaurant. But life is rarely easy for a refugee. Mahmoud has now found safety in the Bluff City for his wife and four…

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How do we foster generosity in the next generation?

In this season of giving, how do we foster generosity when so much of the modern Christmas experience through the eyes of a child is about getting?  We talked with Joanne Graffam about raising cheerful givers. As a mother of four and grandmother of kids ranging from ages three to 14, Joanne and her husband…

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How can we empower the vulnerable in a holistic way?

In every passing moment, children are orphaned by disease, women are widowed by violence, families are devastated by natural disasters and refugees are fleeing their homeland due to persecution. These stories of the vulnerable can be heartbreaking. Here at World Relief, we work with local churches to holistically serve communities. This Christmas season we are…

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