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On the Front Lines

May 27, 2020 Article by Robert Carroll In this month’s feature, read how twin sisters from Iran went from religious refugees who couldn’t speak English to important front line workers in the fight against COVID-19. Click here for COVID-19 resources in over 20 languages, or click here to learn what items you can donate to help families in need during…

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Sharing the Love: Brenda’s Story

July 30, 2020 Article by Emily Miller, World Relief Staff Member Our feature this month is a story of perpetual giving. Read how a young woman has overcome obstacles during the pandemic and is now mobilizing support for others in need. Brenda’s heart sank when she logged on to her bank’s mobile app. She had been…

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The Path to Peace

Article by Jerome Bizimana, World Relief Staff Member Our feature this month is the firsthand account of life as a refugee from World Relief staff member, Jerome Bizimana. Read about his struggle to escape hate and violence in what felt at times like a hopeless quest for peace. It was 1996 and the war had…

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Made for Change Gift Guide

At World Relief, we believe that every single one of us is made for change — both in our own lives and in communities across the globe. This holiday season, we’ve created a list of companies and products that embody our commitment to change in our Made for Change Gift Guide. Each of these companies…

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World Relief Reaches Nearly 700,000 People with COVID-19 Preventative Messaging and Assistance

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** November 9, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – To date, World Relief has reached nearly 700,00 people with messaging by staff and volunteers on preventative messaging, medical assistance and education in Haiti, Cambodia and across Africa in countries such as Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan and Sudan to help…

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World Relief Affirms Need to Pray For and Work With the President-Elect Biden on Key Humanitarian Issues Following Election

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** November 7, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – Following President-elect Joe Biden’s acceptance speech, World Relief President Scott Arbeiter and CEO Tim Breene issued the following response: “For over 75 years, World Relief has worked with both Republican and Democratic administrations and with people of all political affiliations as we seek to…

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God. — Matthew 5:9 A Contested Election On New Year’s Day in 2008, my wife and I arrived in Nairobi and witnessed up close the horrific aftermath of a disputed election result between the incumbent President Mwai Kibaki and his opponent,…

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World Relief Laments Trump Administration Signing Lowest Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions in American History

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** October 29, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – On October 27th, President Trump signed the Presidential Determination (PD) on refugee admissions, setting the refugee ceiling for FY2021 at 15,000, the lowest in U.S. history. Currently, there are approximately 80 million people forcibly displaced around the world, and due to COVID-19 and natural…

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Change Disrupts, But Love Still Grows

Change Disrupts

It’s been a year of difficult change. But at World Relief, we believe you were made for change —  not just to survive it, but to thrive through it.In today’s story, World Relief’s Vice President of U.S. Programs, Jennifer Foy, shares how amidst this year’s disruption, creativity, resilience and love still grew. Recently, I was…

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25,000 Christians Urge Ivanka Trump to Protect Unaccompanied Minors in Danger of Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico Border

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** October 13, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – 25,000 Christians have joined World Relief, Women of Welcome, and other leading evangelical institutions in petitioning Ivanka Trump to protect vulnerable children at risk of trafficking due to the suspension of key protections under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA). Through an effort…

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