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What does a year hold?

When I consider the new year, I’m struck by how little we know about what it will hold. In 2019, we had no idea that the pandemic would shut down the world in 2020. Before 2020, we had no idea that Afghanistan would fall in 2021. In 2021, we had no idea that Ukraine would…

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Worth the Wait: Newlywed Refugees Love Remains

Newlywed refugees, Goreth and Mbimbi, embrace after being separated for seven years.

For seven years, Congolese refugees (and newlyweds!), Mbimbi and Goreth, didn’t know if they would ever see each other again. Separated by continents, Mbimbi was stuck in Burundi while Goreth resettled and began her new life in America. In spite of the long wait, the two of them never lost hope, their love growing by…

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News from H.O.M.E.: Serving Asylum Seekers

Early in 2022, we featured a post by Hannah Thompson, World Relief Chicagoland’s Immigrant Family Services Volunteer Coordinator who works with the staff and community volunteers who serve asylum seekers through the H.O.M.E. Program. Now, Hannah is back, sharing what has changed since January. First, what is the H.O.M.E. Program? World Relief Chicagoland created the…

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World Relief Praises New Refugee Ceiling, Urges Biden Administration and Congress to Work Together to Aid Refugees and Asylum Seekers

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

Yesterday, the Biden administration set the annual refugee ceiling to allow up to 125,000 refugees into the United States for fiscal year 2023. World Relief affirms this decision, which comes at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented refugee crisis, but urges the Biden administration and Congress to do more to strengthen the…

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How to Have Impact as a Volunteer Tutor

volunteer tutor

The volunteer tutors at World Relief have a superpower: they know how to bring out the unique gifts of each student to help them grow. Here’s one tutor used a child’s passion to overcome his fears so he could flourish.

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Summer Camp: Fun, Fellowship and First Responders

World Relief’s summer camp gives its cross-cultural campers a chance to create friendships, build skills and experience an American tradition they’ll never forget. Check out our scrapbook of these special moments that impacted the lives of both campers and volunteers.

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Answering Your Questions About Asylum Seekers

Last week, buses sent from Texas began arriving in Chicago carrying asylum seekers from the U.S. southern border. Since then, local government officials and organizations have been working quickly to ensure that the new arrivals have access to food, housing, and the other essentials every human needs to survive—while also creating longer-term solutions.   With the…

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