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Finding Hope on the Front Lines

Editors Note: What follows is an update recently received from Maggie Konstanski, World Relief’s Disaster Response Manager. Maggie writes from Iraq, where she is currently working with local leaders to assist families forced from their homes because of the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Since last May, this is my fourth month here in Iraq, and I…

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An update from Iraq (Update 1)

Below is an update from our Disaster Response Manager, Maggie Konstanski, in Iraq. The best way I can think of to describe what it is like being here is whiplash—constantly being thrown back and forth between two extremes you did not know could coexist. 

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Resettling Syrian and Iraqi Refugees – A Call To Do More

Jenny Yang is Vice President of Advocacy and Policy at World Relief. She was recently in Jordan with a delegation from Refugee Council USA to assess the situation facing Syrian and Iraqi refugees, and urges that we do more to help these refugees in their critical time of need. Three young girls were huddled under…

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World Relief Responds: Typhoon Sendong

From midnight on December 17, 2011 to dawn the next day, Typhoon Sendong swept through northern Mindanao in the Philippines. The resulting flash floods claimed more than 1,000 lives and left over 51,000 displaced persons regrouping in temporary evacuation centers. Most of these centers are in the city of Cagayan de Oro where World Relief…

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Haiti Now: This Feels Like Progress

Driving through Port-au-Prince after the earthquake on January 12, meant seeing every version of brokenness imaginable; collapsed buildings, flattened cars, and streams of people ready to tell their stories of loss. World Relief Haiti with its staff of over 40 national employees did not escape the trauma. Befriending the staff meant entering into their stories. …

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Difficult Questions

Yesterday was a difficult day to process for our team. We saw two villages that spoke of their complete lack of resources and livelihoods, and their almost total reliance on scant relief food and assistance from a few non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the distant Kenyan government. This vulnerable and disempowering situation has left many Turkana…

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Hundreds Receive Food Aid in Lokitaung, Turkana

In many ways, this morning saw the pinnacle of our media trip journey to Turkana. After days of traveling, we reached the northern district of Lokitaung – any farther north and we would be in Ethiopia. In this remote area, the need is great, but today the most immediate of these needs is acute hunger.…

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Here…is the poorest village in Turkana

Much of today was spent in the car, bouncing and jostling our way across the vast and sometimes desolate plains of rocks and dust in northern Turkana. Our intention was to detour to a small village, meet with the community there and then head to Lokitaung where World Relief’s northern Turkana food distribution operations will…

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