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3 Things to Know About the Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

Haiti humanitarian crisis: A map of the country.

The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Haiti is severe. For over 35 years, we at World Relief have been committed to working alongside local Haitian churches tackling some of the most pressing needs in their communities — this challenging time is no exception.  Here are three things we think you should know about the humanitarian crisis…

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Prayer for Haiti

Prayer for Haiti: A map of Haiti.

Haiti is in the midst of an escalating humanitarian crisis as gang violence spirals in the country. According to the United Nations, over 5 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. Like you, we are heartbroken and grieve alongside those who are suffering.  For 30 years, World Relief has partnered with Haitian churches to…

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One Year Later: The Church Still Moves In Haiti

One Year Later: The Church Still Moves In Haiti

“One year later, the need in Haiti is great, but…churches continue to be agents of change in their communities, and men, women and children continue to receive support from their local churches.” Shaken Thirty-year-old Jeannette was away from home the day a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck southern Haiti in August 2021. “I was out and…

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Attending to God’s Creation

Turkana Kenya

The climate change crisis has real impact. At World Relief, we see the effects of this directly in our work as climate change shifts long-term weather patterns, bringing more destructive climatic events. This especially impacts the poorest of the world’s countries. Food and water insecurity and environmental disasters have forced migration and increased conflicts and violence all across the developing world.

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Creation Care in Haiti

A global problem While creation care is one of the core tenets of Christian witness, there is mounting evidence that we, as humans, are failing badly in the responsibility of stewarding our global home. Climates are changing, storms are happening more frequently with more intensity, systems that were once reliable for livelihoods are now becoming…

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Get to Know Our Staff: Haiti

In 2021, we’re giving you the inside scoop on the work World Relief is doing in communities around the world through a new series called, Get to Know Our Staff.  Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Esther Pyram, World Relief Haiti’s Integral Mission and Church Empowerment Zone Manager. Esther is a writer, a wife,…

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Rebirth and Renewal

It was late May in 2004 when torrential rains hit Mapou, a small village nestled within the La Selle mountain range in southeastern Haiti.

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Changemakers in Haiti — Who is the Hero?

When people think of Haiti, they often think of incredible poverty, disaster, dependence, and despair. But there is another story. It is one of the church stepping into communities as beacons of light and agents of change, offering help and hope to struggling families.

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