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How to Love Sacrificially

Greetings!  Recently some members of my church reminded me what it means to love sacrificially. One of them would travel 90 minutes one-way to the church every week. When I asked why she didn’t find a church closer to home, she responded “I know I need to love God by loving this church and the people in it.…

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Grounded in God’s Vision: Q&A with Aerlande Wontamo

"Ground in God's Vision" text with a photo of Aerlande Wontamo

In January 2023, we welcomed Aerlande Wontamo as World Relief’s new Senior Vice President of U.S. Programs. She recently sat down with us to share how her professional expertise, personal experience and strong sense of calling have uniquely prepared her for this role.  We hope you enjoy hearing from Aerlande as much as we did!…

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A Prayer for Refugees

Blue sky with clouds and text "a prayer for refugees"

On June 14, a ship carrying migrants bound for Europe capsized in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite search and rescue efforts, hundreds are feared dead. Even as we celebrate the strength and resilience of refugees this World Refugee Day, we lament that, for so many people seeking safety and a more hopeful future in a new…

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What is the Displacement Crisis?

Imagrant fimily sitting on bench outside smiling at camera

Today, about 6 million people live in refugee camps. They’ve managed to flee from the risk of persecution in their home country, and now they are forced to wait. Often, conditions in camps are less than subpar. Access to water and healthcare is difficult, and refugees are reduced to living in tents for years —…

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