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A letter to our World Relief Triad partners

Dear friends and partners, Thank you for the ways you are rallying around us during this challenging time. Keep it up!  The reality is we still need your help and generous giving urgently, so keep giving and keep spreading the word so that we can care for our newcomer neighbors well and fulfill our moral…

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Navigating Healthcare with Mercy

Navigating the healthcare system can feel overwhelming. More than once, I’ve stood in front of a huge sign in a medical complex looking over a long list of names and suite numbers trying to find the right office. Sadly, it’s not just medical facilities that feel like an enormous maze, it’s the healthcare and insurance systems…

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World Relief Triad Announces New Director

Photo of new director of World Relief Triad

January 24th , 2024  CONTACT: World Relief Triad 336-887-9007  HIGH POINT, N.C. — Today, Kyle Herrington was announced as the new Site Director of World Relief Triad. Kyle established his career at World Relief in 2018 as an Employment Specialist. Within five years of service, Kyle has worked directly with newly arrived families to provide vital services…

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Resiliency & Hope in the Midst of Persecution

Fleeing Persecution in Cambodia When Sithy and his wife, Saobot, arrived in the United States in March of 2022, he was not sure what his life would look like. He had been rejected, persecuted, and imprisoned for his political affiliation in Cambodia.  Both Sithy and Saobot’s siblings and other family members remain in Cambodia. While…

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The Long Road to Citizenship: Prince’s Story

Reflecting on September as the time of year that we celebrate citizenship with #CitizenshipDay, a day inviting, “Americans to reflect on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship,” we invite you to continue reading to learn about one of our own’s story, Prince Mushunju and his wife, Laurette! Becoming a citizen affords a lot of privileges…

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Sudanese Student Begins First Semester at Local University

Darelsalam Karama’s family arrived in the United States in 2018 when she was fourteen. In those four years, Darelsalam was placed in many different environments that brought about many challenges. “We started at Thomasville Middle School, and everything was so different from Sudan,” she says. “My native languages are Arabic and Zaghawa, so I went…

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5 Times in U.S. History When Christians Advocated for Refugees and Immigrants

This year, the number of displaced people reached 100 million. That includes refugees, asylum seekers, and 53.2 million people displaced within their home country by conflict. And it’s a higher number than ever recorded in history. In light of this, World Relief and other organizations have called for action – by the U.S. Government, community…

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Work at World Relief

Work at World Relief

For many of us, the last few years have been characterized by a deep sense of chaos, uncertainty and injustice. As suffering across the globe appears to be worsening, you’ve likely asked yourself, how can I respond in a meaningful way?  You’ve likely thought about your career path and wondered how you can make an…

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