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Celebrating our Employee of the Year for 2021, Kara Hernandez

Read below to learn more about Kara’s journey to World Relief, and how she continues to bless our staff, clients, and community! As we look forward to welcoming more immigrant, refugee, and survivor neighbors in this new year, we still take time to reflect on the hard work of our team from the previous one.…

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Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

As the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. continues to increase in the coming months, we invite you to partner with us as we welcome them. Today, we’re excited to give you a glimpse at the lasting change that can happen when we move together. A Crossing of Paths At World Relief, we’re honored…

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Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

As the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. continues to increase in the coming months, we invite you to partner with us as we welcome them. Today, we’re excited to give you a glimpse at the lasting change that can happen when we move together. A Crossing of Paths At World Relief, we’re honored…

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Receiving to Give: Agali’s Story

As a client of World Relief and recipient of locally raised funds, Agali realizes the impact that the community had in shaping his story. The Hopeful Journey Following his arrival to the United States on September 27th, Agali didn’t know when he would work again. Settling in the United States consumed the next month of his and…

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Benjamin Marsh: A plea for the Dreamers

Local pastor and guest columnist, Benjamin Marsh, shares his thoughts about those who face the crisis of impermanence in immigration. As a pastor to a community of immigrants, Benjamin Marsh is very passionate about those who were brought to America as children having a pathway to citizenship. These individuals, termed “Dreamers,” have been shielded and…

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Dear Ivanka

World Relief, along with a host of other evangelical organizations, recently penned a letter to Ivanka Trump urging her “to use her significant influence within the administration” to end the suspension of an anti-trafficking law that has provided safeguards to unaccompanied minors.   Ivanka is the daughter and an advisor to the president of the United…

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All In This Together

Over the last few weeks, our world, our organization and the communities in which we serve have experienced rapid amounts of change. Like many of you, my colleagues and I have shifted to working from home for the foreseeable future, and our 16 offices across the U.S. have closed their physical locations. As our teams…

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