Features of Paradise Parking Plots
Paradise Parking Plots exists to improve food access, build community, and foster economic independence among the refugee and immigrant community in South King County. It's a place to grow delicious and healthy food, but it's also much more!

44 in-ground and 6 above-ground garden beds allow refugee and immigrant gardeners to freely plant food that often reminds them of home.

With the help of 4 cisterns, up to 16,000 gallons of rainwater can be stored at Paradise Parking Plots.

Three methods of composting makes the Paradise Parking Plots less reliant and more resilient.

Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden is home to five rain gardens.

The first installment at Paradise Parking Plots demonstrated an organic growing technique and engaged the community during the initial phases of the garden.

Upon completion, this space will grow food and mitigate annual flooding.