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From Welcomed to Welcomer

From Welcomed to Welcomer, Volunteer Appreciation Week

At the end of April, World Relief will celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week, a time to recognize the impact and power of volunteers to “tackle society’s greatest challenges, build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world.”  Last year, World Relief engaged 8,430 volunteers and 873 church partners in the U.S. to welcome…

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World Relief Praises Bipartisan Introduction of the Afghan Adjustment Act in Congress, Urges Swift Congressional Passage and Support by the President

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 9, 2022 CONTACT:Audrey BALTIMORE — Today, World Relief praises the bipartisan introduction of an Afghan Adjustment Act in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House and urges swift congressional passage of the bill. Over 70,000 Afghans were evacuated to the U.S. in the weeks following the fall of Kabul one year ago…

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One Year Later: The Church Still Moves In Haiti

One Year Later: The Church Still Moves In Haiti

“One year later, the need in Haiti is great, but…churches continue to be agents of change in their communities, and men, women and children continue to receive support from their local churches.” Shaken Thirty-year-old Jeannette was away from home the day a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck southern Haiti in August 2021. “I was out and…

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Road-Runner Rodney

What is one of the biggest challenges refugees face when they come to Memphis? Transportation! Access to reliable transportation is crucial for refugees as they are attending English classes, important appointments, and other vital services during their integration journey. The World Relief Road-Runners program exists to serve families and individuals through providing transportation and building…

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June Reflections from World Relief Memphis Staff

This past month was a busy one for World Relief offices around the globe as we all celebrated Immigrant Heritage Month, World Refugee Awareness Month, World Refugee Day, and Juneteenth. Here at World Relief Memphis our theme for the month of June was “Learning Never Stops.” Yes, summer is a time away from school, and…

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Angels Unawares

It’s been eight months since the fall of Kabul. World Relief North Texas welcomed many Afghans with the help of volunteer Good Neighbor Teams. Read about their mutual transformation as they recount their shared stories with us.

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Introducing Co-Sponsorship

Here at World Relief Memphis, we believe that entering into relationships with refugees and immigrants are mutually transforming opportunities to bring lasting change to our world. One of the ways we are seeking to foster these relationships is through our new volunteer opportunity: Co-Sponsorship teams. Teams are made up of a group of volunteers who…

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Welcome to Reciprocal Hospitality

Reciprocal Hospitality

Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with hospitality and solidarity. But how can we do that in a way that puts our immigrant neighbors first rather than pushing them to the fringes of white dominant culture and keeping them as outsiders? That’s exactly the question Karen González explores in Beyond…

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Family Amidst Tragedy

It’s been eight months since the fall of Kabul. World Relief North Texas welcomed many Afghans with the help of volunteer Good Neighbor Teams. Read about their mutual transformation as they recount their shared stories with us.

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