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World Relief Chicagoland Welcomes Texas Bus Arrivals, Prepares for Community-Wide Response

CHICAGO, September 1, 2022 On Wednesday night, the first buses commissioned by the State of Texas carrying asylum seekers and other migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border arrived in Chicago. At World Relief Chicagoland, we serve asylum seekers, refugees and other immigrants by extending welcome, providing vital services and connecting people together. We do this in…

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World Relief Praises Bipartisan Introduction of the Afghan Adjustment Act in Congress, Urges Swift Congressional Passage and Support by the President

August 9, 2022 CONTACT:Audrey BALTIMORE — Today, World Relief praises the bipartisan introduction of an Afghan Adjustment Act in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House and urges swift congressional passage of the bill. Over 70,000 Afghans were evacuated to the U.S. in the weeks following the fall of Kabul one year ago…

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Everyday Advocacy: Simple Actions That Lead to Justice

Many define advocacy as acting, speaking, or writing in support of something or someone; often with those in a position to make change – or as we shared in last week’s blog – advocacy is “putting love into action.” But beyond public advocacy, calling our political representatives, we can practice everyday advocacy: using our voices…

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How You Can Take Action for Refugees and Immigrants in Chicago

Though news channels and social media might fixate on issues on the national stage, one of the most important ways you can support your immigrant and refugee neighbors is by advocating for them on the local level. Advocating for action in your own community is one of the best ways to make a difference for…

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Becoming a US Citizen Removes a Barrier to Justice.

Celebrating the 4th of July for a naturalized citizen can have a different flavor. It is an indescribable feeling of pride, freedom, and belonging. A naturalized citizen is a person with legal permanent resident status, who has made the choice to become a US citizen. Specifically, he or she has fulfilled the requirements established by…

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8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

A full-scale invasion of Ukraine is underway. More than 10 million Ukrainian women, men and children have been forced to flee their homes, nearly 4 million of whom have fled to other countries. Together, we can respond.  World Relief is currently working with partners on the ground in Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova and Western Ukraine…

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Servant: Caring for the Immigrant and Refugee

This discipleship video from one of our church partners, The Summit Church, discusses the Biblical command to “welcome the stranger” and offers some practical steps believers can take to follow God’s call, including giving, volunteering, and advocating alongside World Relief Durham. “God commands his people to care for strangers and foreigners, along with the poor,…

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Mercy over Judgment

By K.J. Hill and Reema Nasrallah // The tragic fall of Afghanistan’s government has led the international community to rally to assist evacuees fleeing the Taliban. More than 1,000 of these Afghan evacuees are slated for resettlement in North Carolina in the coming months. As a pastor, I have been getting lots of questions about this crisis.…

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